Hi everyone. Thanks for visiting. I’m guessing you’re here because you’ve seen one of my call-outs for a favour: a drawing of a cow.
In case you happen to have arrived here by chance - here’s some context. On 16th February 2025, I’m doing a TEDx Talk at Lancaster University in the North West of England.
The title of my talk is ‘That’s Not How You Draw a Cow’ (spoiler alert - anyone can draw their cow however they want), and as part of the talk, I’d love to collect as many kids’ drawings of cows as I can, the best of which I'll show on screen during the speech. I'm planning to talk about how kids' drawing styles and skills develop over time and would love lots of examples.
So - for all those parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, or even just friends of people with kids out there - it would be amazing if you could send me some drawings of cows, please.
Although the brief is really simple, I think it’ll be helpful to share some more detailed instructions, to save on questions later. So, here goes:
Cow pictures need to be drawn by children between the age of 3 and 11. Please do not submit multiple drawings by one child.
They can be produced in whatever way the artist likes and in whatever medium they choose – felt tip, pencil, coloured-in or just a simple line drawing – anything is fine. Not A.I. though, please - that’s not a drawing.
The way to send them to us is to scan them or take a photo of them, and submit on our 'Contact Us' page (link also below). A photo taken on a smartphone should be fine, but please make sure it's as good quality as possible - nicely lit and clear. If it's on white paper, the paper needs to look as light as possible in the photo.
For all drawings, I'll also need the age (importantly, including the month) of the child when they drew it. You can write these details in the text box when you send the picture.
If you happen to have a recent drawing of a cow already done that you’d be willing to share - rather than a new one for this - that’s fine – but please do let me know the age and month of the artist when it was drawn, rather than the age of the child now.
Deadline for all cow drawings is 31st January, please.
And finally - it’s important that all parents of the kids are happy for the drawing to be shown on the screen in the TEDx talk. Thank you.
Of course, for any particularly brilliant drawings, I might also drop you a note back to ask if you’re happy for me to bring it to life in my usual ‘Things I Have Drawn’ way. But for the time being, this request is for the TEDx talk only.
Or you can DM us on Instagram, as many people do, and send your drawing that way.
Many thanks everyone. We hugely appreciate it.
(PS - if you'd like to come along to the TEDx Talk - you can find more details here.)
